Creating a Donut in Blender — Sculpting the donut
In this tutorial we’ll be going over sculpting the donut we created in our previous tutorial The video tutorial we’ll be following is and it is advisable to watch the video and use this blog as notes for the meeting
- In this tutorial we’re going to start by applying modifiers, and it’s a good idea to create a copy of stuff before you apply, so to create a copy select both the icing and the donut and press shift + D, after the copy has been created move it to a different collection by hitting M and selecting new collection, name this collection as archive and deselect the tick mark on this collection in the outliner plane.
2. Now that we have archived are originals it’s time to apply our subdivision surface modifier on the donut so that we have more detail to work with. Select only the donut (not the icing) and on the modifier section on the right, click apply on the subdivision surface modifier, do this in edit mode to see the difference.
3. Open Sculpt Mode by clicking on sculpting amongst the top headers.
4. Now as we see in the representational image, baked donuts kind of have a grove in between like this.
5. This is what we need to achieve in the sculpt mode, to achieve the effect you can hold down control and start drawing in the middle and you will see the effect start to appear, do this all around the donut, and the result should look like:
6. This looks a bit low res, so we can go back into layout mode and apply another subdivision surface modifier and do this again, mine now looks like this:
7. It also might be a good idea to add some details on the inner side as well
8. Now we sculpt the icing, select the icing in layout mode, apply the solidify modifier and then unhide the mesh and apply the subdivision subsurface modifier.
9. Now see the brushes pane on the left and select the inflate brush
10. use this brush around the droplets in your icing to give them more detail. Pay special attention to the drooping droplets, so that it looks like it’s collecting due to gravity.
11. Make sure to use inflate to add detail to the inner ring, as well you can use the draw brush to give more detailing to the top of the donut.
12. Now some of our droplets are sticking out of the donut, to correct this go to layout mode, select proportional editing and pull these points inwards towards the donuts.
13. Voila we have a slightly more realistic more imperfect donut!